Types of automatic barriers

Barriers come in 2 types; automatically operated barriers and manually operated barriers.

Automatic barriers

Automatically operated barriers are barriers that can be operated electrically and are connected to the electricity grid or use a solar solution.

This type of barrier is electrically operable with, for example, a key switch, a card reader, an access code via a code keyboard or via an App on your smartphone.

Automatically operated barriers thus open and close automatically to allow authorised vehicles to pass based on an access control and prevent unauthorised vehicles from entering your premises. This is why you find this type of barriers a lot at campsites and marinas.

  • Extremely convenient and friendly to use
  • Extra safe and comfortable
  • Always feeling safe
  • For closures from 2.5 to 12m

Malfunction or breakdown ?

Do you have an (automatic) barrier and is it no longer working as it should or has a defect?

At Niwa Accès Solutions, you can go for repair and maintenance of all existing brands of barriers because we are brand independent.

If you would like to call on our company to repair or restore an existing (automatic) barrier, we would appreciate it if you could tell us what brand the system is and possibly the type. That way we can be well prepared to carry out an intervention for you.

  • Experience with all existing brand
  • Fast and professional repair
  • Reliable maintenance
  • Even if the barrier is not installed by us!

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